When developing an employee’s termination package, risk mitigation should be top priority. This includes limiting the risk of the employee filing a complaint, as well as managing internal and external perception of the organization as the employee exits. Providing professional and compassionate Career Transition Support is an opportunity for organizations to support employees through a tough time while mitigating risk and demonstrating a positive corporate culture that genuinly supports long term professional development as the employee transitions on from the company.

Taking steps to ensure the employee feels respected and supported, Salopek & Associates recommends that Career Transition Support be built into the employee’s termination package and offered to support them through the transition. This service includes:

  • On-site support from an HR Consultant on the day of termination – helps the employee to process the termination and smoothly exit the organization feeling supported
  • Career Transition Planning Package – provides tools and resources for the employee to take away with them on the day of termination
  • Dedicated one-on-one time with an HR Consultant – coaching and support following the day of termination to assist the professional in finding the right fit in the next step of their career path. This may include:
    • assisting with resume preparation
    • conducting career or personality assessments
    • identifying potential career opportunities
    • suggesting networking opportunities
    • practising for interviews
    • coaching on professional etiquette

Learn more about Salopek’s Career Transition Support and service costs here.

The cost of extending Career Transition Support to your exiting employees is marginal when compared to the risk you are mitigating and impression it will make on both retained and exiting employees. Contact Salopek & Associates today to learn more about our Career Transition Support or ask us how you can include this support in your existing employee termination package.